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You are viewing the Victorian Curriculum F–10 Version 2.0.


Second Language Learner 7–10 Sequence


Levels 9 and 10

Levels 7 and 8

By the end of Level 10, students contribute to and extend interactions in Indonesian in increasingly unfamiliar contexts related to a wide range of interests and issues. They interpret texts by identifying and evaluating information, ideas and perspectives. They show understanding of how features of language can be used to influence audience response. They create texts, selecting and manipulating language for a range of contexts, purposes and audiences. They apply and use complex sentences and structures to create and respond to spoken and written texts. They use a variety of tenses to sequence events and use language structures and features...

By the end of Level 8, students use Indonesian to interact and collaborate with others, and to share information and plan activities in familiar contexts. They recognise and respond to familiar gestures, questions and instructions when interacting with others. They locate and respond to information in texts and use visual and contextual cues to help make meaning. They respond in Indonesian or English, and demonstrate their understanding of context, purpose and audience in texts. They use familiar language, modelled sentences and grammatical structures to create texts appropriate to audience.

Students begin to use pronunciation, intonation and rhythm in...

Content descriptions – Levels 9 and 10
Content descriptions – Levels 7 and 8